Saturday, February 8, 2014

Health Benefits of Eggs

For years we have known that eggs are an excellent source of protein and a solid source of 14 essential nutrients. 

Here Are Some Benefits Of Eating Eggs

1. Eggs are an all-natural, real food that is packed with a number of nutrients, including high-quality protein. The quality of egg protein is so high that scientists often use eggs as the standard for measuring the protein quality of other foods.

2. Egg farmers work hard to provide safe, nutritious food while maintaining the highest quality care for their hens. Today’s hens are producing more eggs and living longer due to better health, nutrition and living environment.

3. Egg production today uses fewer resources and produces less waste. A new Egg Industry Center study shows the industry has decreased greenhouse gas emissions by more than 70 percent and uses 32 percent less water over the past 50 years.

4. At an average of just 15 cents apiece, eggs are the most affordable source of high-quality protein.

5. Eggs’ nutrients can help you with weight management, muscle strength, eye health, brain function and having a healthy pregnancy. Particularly important for aiding healthy brain function and pregnancy is choline (pronounced KOH-leen), which is amply present in eggs.

6. Eggs are the perfect choice for breakfast because the protein in eggs provides steady and sustained energy that starts your day off right.

7. Eggs contribute to brain function: Choline also aids the brain function of adults by maintaining the structure of brain cell membranes, and is a key component of the neuro-transmitter that helps relay messages from the brain through nerves to the muscles.

8. Eggs are good for the eyes:  Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants found in egg yolks, help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of age-related blindness. Though eggs contain a small amount of these two nutrients, research shows that the lutein from eggs may be more bioavailable than lutein from other food sources.

9.  Eggs provide varying amounts of several B vitamins required for the production of energy in the body, such as thiamin, riboflavin, folate, B12 and B6.

10. The protein in eggs provides steady and sustained energy because it does not cause a surge in blood sugar or insulin levels, which can lead to a rebound effect or energy “crash” as blood sugar levels drop.

How to Lose Fat without Losing Your Mind

Learning how to lose fat doesn’t have to feel like a senior level physiology
class anymore. You’re done being flabby and bombarded by the obesity culture, so stop listening to that nonsense and do what really helps people get their bodies where they need to be.

You’re ready to get the concrete answers that lead to a tighter tummy and
fit-lifestyle success, so stop trying to look like exercise models that eat
rabbit food and workout 5 hours a day 6 days a week. It’s not realistic.

The back and forth is exhausting…right? No more! Like a bullet train, results
come quick once all the salesmanship is brushed aside. Get the inside scoop on streamlined modern nutrition methods that keep you slim and healthy vs.
constantly on guard and dealing with hunger.

Use Reasonable Deficits: Without all the weight loss culture noise
cluttering your mind and your shopping cart, you can get down to brass tacks and do what’s necessary rather than what makes the fitness industry richer.
Reasonable deficits that taper the excess weight off slowly (3-5 lbs. a week
maximum) is not only safe, but you look 10 times better in your after photo and on the beach. 

Use Proven Strategies: Forget the hype. Forget the mass marketing and
advertising. Forget the bias that steals your energy. Use proven strategies from proven sources that show you how to lose fat in half the time with twice the results. Too often folks fall for what’s popular vs. what really gets the job
done over the long haul. Diets don’t work, lifestyle changes do.

Don’t Play Games: Get off the merry-go-round of weight loss. Your health
isn’t a game. It’s not something to be taken lightly. What you consume on a
daily basis is literally a life and death situation. With each meal, you need to
ask yourself if those nutrients (or the lack thereof) are brining you closer or
farther away from being a healthier person with a healthier physique.

How to Lose Fat in less than 24 hours Healthfully

Okay, let’s break it down into 3 easy to remember tips that you can bring
with you into your busy life and make the process far easier to handle.

1. Morning Cardio + Breakfast: Ideally, five days a week you should wake up and do at least 20 minutes of solid cardio on an empty stomach. Then, directly afterwards break the fast with a good meal that resupplies the body and boosts the metabolism even higher for the rest of the day.

2. High Intensity/Low Volume Training: Resistance training should be intense and quick. Instead of 10 mediocre sets, do 3 with high intensity.

3. Unflinchingly Balanced Meals: Each and every meal, even if it’s a small
snack should have the proper amounts of fat (roughly 10%), protein (30%) and carbohydrates (60%).