Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Home remedies for weight loss typically revolve around better eating. Choosing the right foods such as fruits and vegetables, staying active like regular exercise and quitting some bad lifestyle like smoking and drinking alcohol habits can help you lose weight and maintain a healthier body image.

Recent statistics estimate that around 97.1 million people are overweight in the United States. People who fight their weight tend to struggle with self-esteem issues on top of trying to deal with the physical side effects that come with being overweight. They may feel like they need to shed extra pounds, but have no idea where to start.
The first step in determining how to lose weight is determining how much you need to lose. This can be accomplished by using a BMI calculator, shown here ( This calculator uses your height and weight to determine your body mass index, or how much extra fat is on your body. Ideally, people should have a BMI between 19 and 25.
If you find that you need to lose a bit of extra weight to get to a healthy body mass index, there are a number of strategies you can employ. Understanding what options you have available to you will help you lose weight in a healthier way and learn habits that will allow you to keep your weight at a healthy range in the future.

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Cooking Appliances

·         Fat-separating pitcher- When you make stock at home, you can use these pitchers to remove the excess fat. Simply pour the liquid from the bottom of the pot into your pitcher, allowing the fat to rise to the top as your stock cools so you can skim it away.
·         Kitchen scale- Taking the time to measure your food will help you learn which portions are healthy so you can prepare reasonable sized meals. Look for a scale that measures in ounces and work to match serving sizes on food labels. You may be surprised as to how small portions are intended to be.
·         Nonstick cooking spray- These sprays only contain a few calories compared to the vegetable oils and butters usually used to grease a pan. Making this switch can be a quick way to cut a few hundred calories out of each meal.
·         Nonstick pots and pans- You can avoid needing to add grease to a pan at all if you use nonstick pans that allow your food to move freely. Just be sure to avoid using metal utensils on these pans as it can damage the coating.
·         Strainer- Strainers allow you to remove excess meat drippings from your food that would otherwise cause you to ingest excess calories.
·         Egg separator- Using an egg separator to remove the yolks from your eggs can help you eliminate a lot of extra calories and cholesterol from your meal.
·         Kitchen scissors- Taking the time to cut off excess fat when preparing servings of protein can help you avoid unnecessary calories later.
·         Low-fat cookbook- Cookbooks that focus on healthier eating choices will give you more options so you do not feel like you are going without. It is often quite easy to mimic the flavors of your favorite dishes without all the added fat.

Cooking Methods

·         Grilling- When you grill foods, the excess fat drips away and is burned so you are not ingesting unwanted cholesterol and calories with each serving.
·         Steaming- Steaming food instead of frying it or cooking them in oils or fat will help you avoid unwanted calories while maintaining the valuable nutrients in these products.

Dairy Products

·         Frozen yogurt- Frozen yogurt allows you to have a sweet treat without all the added calories and sugar in traditional ice cream products.
·         Evaporated skim milk- This can be used as a creamer in coffee or recipes to eliminate unwanted calories.
·         Cheddar cheese- Cheeses that have a more powerful flavor like cheddar can be used in smaller amounts, cutting down on the fat content without losing the flavor.


Eating fruit helps you get a sweet treat that also comes packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential to healthy living. Fruits like cantaloupe, apricots, strawberries, oranges, grapefruit and peaches contain several valuable ingredients without a lot of extra calories.


Vegetables are essential to a healthy diet, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Get at least five servings a day of foods like tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, potatoes or sweet potatoes to get the nutrients you need.

Other Foods

·         Frozen dinners- Today it is easy to find frozen dinners with healthier ingredients. Stocking up on these options will give you a quick option for those days when you don't feel like cooking and would normally grab takeout that is full of salt and fat.
·         Applesauce- Applesauce can be substituted in place of butter or oil in baked goods to cut down on the calories. Simply replace a half cup of vegetable oil with a fourth cup oil and a fourth cup applesauce.
·         Salad dressing- Swapping out your favorite dressing for a low fat version can make your salad that much healthier. There are plenty of lower calorie options on the market to choose from.
·         Lean beef- Opting for a leaner cut of beef can cut down on a lot of extra cholesterol in your diet. Look for a package that is at least 85 percent lean.
·         Olive oil- Adding mono-saturated fats like olive oil into your diet can help you manage your cholesterol better. Swap out olive oil for butter when you are cooking to see the effects.
·         Apple cider vinegar- Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to water and sop this mixture throughout the day to encourage your body to burn more calories.
·         Cinnamon- Cinnamon will help you burn more fat in the abdominals, helping you lose troublesome belly fat.


·         Water- Water helps you digest your food more effectively and removes waste from the body that can build up. Drinking plenty of water will also help keep your organs functioning well and keep hunger pangs at bay. Drinking warm water is more effective than drinking water at room temperature.
·         Green tea- Drinking green tea will increase your metabolism so you can burn more fat. It will also suppress your appetite so you will not be tempted to eat.
·         Lemon juice and honey- Mix lemon juice, honey and hot water and drink first thing in the morning to help aid weight loss and give yourself a boost of energy.


The more physical activity you perform, the more calories you will burn, aiding in your weight loss. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day to improve your circulation, help fight off disease, rid your body of toxins and lose weight.

Eating Habits

·         Eat slowly- Chewing the food thoroughly and taking your time while eating will help you from eating too much without realizing what you are doing.
·         Eat every meal- Skipping meals will only lead to you overeating later. Depriving your body of food will also slow your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories effectively.
·         Have the last meal by 7 pm- Late night eating causes your metabolism to slow. It also alters your sleep cycle by disturbing your sleep with the need to go to the bathroom, making it hard to maintain the energy levels you need to stay active.

Things to be Avoided

·         Fat and calories- If you want to lose weight you will need to avoid eating fatty foods or foods high in calories. Your calorie intake should match your energy level. Watch portion sizes and make healthy choices rather than making yourself hungry.
·         Tobacco and alcohol- Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories that will hinder your goals. Smoking can harm the circulatory system, making it difficult to get the exercise you need to lose weight.

·         Fried foods- Fried foods are full of saturated fats that are quite damaging to the body. Avoid these foods when you are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Wrinkle form as a normal part of the aging process. However, there are many home remedies for wrinkles and ways to prevent their premature formation, such as eating foods rich in antioxidants, trace minerals and dietary fats, using sunscreen and moisturizers and keeping a positive life attitude.

Wrinkles are the result of the normal aging process that usually begins at the age of thirty, where there is gradual loss of elasticity and smoothness of the skin. The skin owes its firmness to a natural protein known as collagen and its elasticity to another protein called elastin. Natural skin oils keep the skin supple and soft, while the underlying fat layer adds bulk and contour. During the aging process, these substances decrease in amount, resulting in loss of elasticity, firmness, and suppleness. Wrinkles and sagging lines appear, making one look older and less vibrant.
In addition to these natural processes, many environmental and personal factors affect the youthfulness of the skin. These include exposure to toxic chemicals, certain foods, and personal habits that lead to the formation of free radicals (unstable molecules) that enhance the aging process.
There are several ways, however, to prevent premature aging and home remedies for wrinkles. There are some easy and practical ways to look younger, based on dermatologists' advice.

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Try these home remedies to prevent and reduce wrinkles.


1. Antioxidants - These are chemical compounds found in many foods and dietary supplements, which fight free radicals and prevent skin damage. There are many different types of naturally occurring antioxidants and they often found in combination in foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Here are a few examples:
·         Vitamin A (retinol and beta carotene) - found in asparagus, broccoli, carrots, green peppers, mangoes, nectarines, pumpkin, spinach, and tomatoes
·         Vitamin C - found in berries, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, mangoes, oranges, papaya, sweet potato, and tomatoes
·         Vitamin E - found in hard, mustard, mangoes, nuts, pumpkin, spinach, sunflower seeds and red peppers
Other foods that are also rich in antioxidants include apples, grapes, onions, eggs, and food products that are fortified with vitamins and minerals.
2. Dietary Fats - Healthy dietary fats help improve the skin by nourishing the cells and adding contour, thus preventing sagging and wrinkles. Fatty acids are important components of cell membranes, which help retain skin moisture, and add plumpness and firmness to the skin. Consuming adequate amounts of healthy fats and oils in the diet in the form of omega-3 fatty acids can help rejuvenate the skin. These fats are found abundantly in oily fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines, eggs, milk and yogurt. Excellent vegetarian sources are spinach, kale, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseed oil.
3. Trace Minerals - These chemicals are needed by the body in small amounts, and of the minerals, selenium, and copper stand out as important in maintaining skin health.
·         Selenium - Selenium acts as an antioxidant that fights skin-damaging free radicals. It also restores the elasticity of the skin and can be found in seafood like oysters, salmon, tuna, eggs, liver, brown rice, oats and whole wheat.
·         Copper - Copper plays an important role in the formation of skin proteins collagen and elastin, which maintain skin elasticity and firmness. It is found in foods like legumes, lentils and beans, as well as seafood, nuts and liver.
4. Soy Foods - Studies show that soybeans and soy-based products contain amino acids (proteins) and isoflavones (antioxidants), which help increase collagen production. Some studies also show that soy foods prevent the formation of wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Soy foods include tofu, soymilk, miso or soybean paste, soy sauce, and tempeh (a kind soy cake).


Some beverages like tea contain antioxidants called epicatechins and catechins. Recent studies suggest that green tea and white tea have the potential to reduce wrinkles because of their antioxidant properties. Although these compounds are found in all types of tea leaves, the fermentation process involved in making black tea diminishes their activity. Green tea and white tea are less oxidized during fermentation and therefore they retain more epicatechins and catechins. Furthermore, it has been found that white tea reduces the breakdown of elastin and collagen that leads to wrinkle formation.
Remember to use freshly brewed leaves to enjoy the benefits of tea antioxidants instead of taking instant tea or iced tea. Finally, it also must be noted that research findings refer only to true (Camellia sinensis) tea, and does not apply to herbal infusions such as mint tea or chamomile tea.


Many cosmetic pharmaceutical products, also called cosmeceuticals, can help improve skin appearance and texture. These skin care products often contain antioxidants found in food. They include:
·         Retinol, a vitamin A derivative that helps reduce wrinkles and enhances skin cell regeneration. It is also known as retinaldehyde or retinoic acid on labels.
·         Peptides are amino acid chains that serve as building blocks used in the synthesis of proteins found in the skin.
·         Hydroxy acids are naturally-occurring compounds found in most fruits and in lactic acid found in dairy products. These acids help in the shedding of dead skin cells, which enhances new cell growth.

Sunscreen and Moisturizers

·         Sunscreen - An important step in preventing wrinkle formation is to protect the skin from sun exposure. This can be accomplished by using broad-spectrum sunscreen lotions or creams with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of at least 25-30. This helps shield the skin against damaging ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) from sunlight. Some products also contain other active ingredients like antioxidants (an example is vitamin E) which provide additional protection, increased strength, and enhanced regeneration.
·         Moisturizers - Moisturizing lotions and creams help retain skin moisture, which helps fill in wrinkles and improves skin health. They help prevent dryness, which leads to scaling and loss of youthful appearance. Some products also contain collagen, elastin, and keratin, proteins that diminish wrinkles.


The body secretes a hormone called human growth hormone or HGH during sleep. This important substance is necessary to promote growth of body tissues, including the skin. The lack of sleep not only decreases HGH production and release; it also triggers stress hormone release. This stress hormone, also called cortisol, slows down growth, thus reducing normal skin regeneration. The outer layer of the skin then becomes drier, more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infection, easily damaged by sunlight, and prone to wrinkles.
·         Have enough sleep - The impact of lack of sleep is amplified by aging, when normal HGH production diminishes and wrinkles develop naturally. Therefore, HGH is added to some anti-aging products and food supplements. For most adults, 7-9 hours of quality sleep is needed to maintain healthy skin and body.
·         Sleep on back - It is also important to note that people regularly sleeping in certain positions can lead to the formation of "sleep lines," or wrinkles that are etched into the skin surface. When you sleeping on your side wrinkles can form on the cheeks and chin, and when you sleep face down you may develop a furrow in the brow. The dermatologists therefore advise people to sleep on their backs to reduce wrinkle formation.

Life Attitude

Stress can one to wear lasting facial expressions such as frowns and pouts that can deepen facial lines, leading to wrinkles. Furthermore, constant stress can increase the production and release of cortisol hormone, which leads to dry, weak skin. To reduce stress, you can try to be more physically active, which is good for over-all health as well. It is also advisable to learn stress management techniques that can reduce anxiety and bring about a healthy life attitude.

Things to be Avoided

·         Avoid excessive sun exposure - Many studies show that excessive sun exposure can damage skin and make it more prone to form wrinkles. In a study involving pairs of identical twins who had different levels of sun exposure, it was found that siblings who had less sun exposure had fewer wrinkles than their sun-loving twins.
·         Avoid smoking - Research suggests that cigarette smoking ages skin by causing the release of an enzyme that causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. This leads to thinner skin and increased wrinkle formation.
·         Avoid squinting - Squinting and any repetitive facial movement overworks the muscles, leading to the formation of grooves beneath the surface of the skin. These grooves eventually become wrinkle. It is also advisable to wear sunglasses to protect the skin around the eyes from sunlight and prevent one from squinting.
·         Avoid taking too much coffee - Excessive coffee consumption has no beneficial effect to the body. A study however demonstrated that cocoa is a better alternative, because it contains high levels of flavanols called epicatechins and catechins. These compounds protect skin from sun damage, improve blood circulation in the skin, improve hydration, and make the skin smoother.
·         Avoid over-washing your face - Tap water can strip the skin of natural oils that protect against wrinkles. When you wash the face too often, it can reduce this natural protection. Use soap that contains moisturizers or face cleansers to keep the skin smooth and clean without drying it.

These home remedies for wrinkles are just some ways you can improve your skin appearance and texture to have a youthful glow. However, it is best to seek a dermatologist's advice for more advanced wrinkle formations, which may need additional treatment.

Underarm Waxing

Many areas of the body including the arms, feet and bikini area can be waxed. Waxing under the arms can be an effective way to remove hair. Taking proper precautions before you attempt underarm waxing can help minimize your discomfort so you get the best results after your waxing.
Waxing refers to a semi-permanent hair removal technique by removing the hair from the root. With this technique, new hair will not grow in this area for 2-8 weeks after the treatment, though some may see new growth in as little as a week. Many areas of the body including the arms, abdomen, feet, back, face and bikini area can be waxed.
Strip waxing requires the user to spread a thin layer of wax over the skin, then applying a paper strip or cloth to the wax, pulling this strip away in the opposite direction of the hair growth. This will remove the wax as well as the hair in this area. Strip waxes can be made at home by combining water, sugar, honey and lemon juice.
Hot waxing uses warm wax applied in thick coats to the skin with no strops. The wax will harden as it cools, allowing you to remove it without as much pulling. This method is recommended for those with sensitive skin.
Reasons for Underarm Waxing
·         Replace shaving- Women often shave their arms very frequently to rid themselves of coarse, unsightly underarm hair. Unlike shaving, waxing can be done infrequently to achieve the same results. You can easily use wax approximately every two weeks depending on your hair's natural growth cycle, rather than having to shave every day.
·         Prevent underarm hair- When you shave, you may still have the appearance of hair in the armpits, commonly known as the "4 o'clock shadow."  This is commonly caused by the individual failing to get a close shave in this area. Underarm waxing removes this risk because you will be removing all of the hairs in the armpit rather than cutting them shorter, removing any risk that you will have the appearance of hair in this area.
·         Present in special events- If you will be at a special event where you will need to wear a sleeveless or strapless dress you may want your underarms to be completely devoid of hair. Having stubble or hair in the underarms can be embarrassing. Waxing the underarms will provide you with a smoother appearance that will photograph well and allow you to look your best.
At-home Underarm Waxing
Before waxing, gather any necessary materials so you will not be interrupted. Make sure you have a washcloth and soap or an exfoliating scrub, baby powder, a waxing kit, baby oil or aloe Vera. Also make sure your armpit hair is at least a third of an inch long so the wax will adequately cling to the hair.
1.    Exfoliate the area by gently rubbing it with a soapy washcloth or an exfoliating scrub.
2.    Insure the armpits are dry. If necessary, apply a layer of baby powder on the skin to rid the area of excess moisture.
3.    Heat the wax according to package instructions. Check the temperature of the wax by using it on the inside of the wrist to insure that it is spreadable but will not burn you before applying it to the armpit.
4.    Use the spatula that came with your waxing kit to spread a layer of the wax in the direction of the growth of the hairs. Do a small area of skin at a time, around one by two inches. It is common for armpit hair to grow in multiple directions within one section, so you may need to wax these areas more than once.
5.    Place a strip on the wax, pressing down to ensure that it had adhered properly. In a swift motion, pull this strip off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Removing the strip quickly is the key to avoiding pain and removing an adequate amount of hair. Repeat this process until you have waxed the whole armpit.
6.    Use tweezers to remove any stray hairs the wax did not remove. Apply a soothing product like baby oil or aloe Vera to soothe the waxed area.
Tips for At-home Underarm Waxing
·         Hair length- You do not want the armpit hair to be shorter than a fourth of an inch when you are waxing. Trim any hair that is excessively long or wait a few days if your hair is too short.
·         Dry armpits- If your armpits are sweaty the wax will not adhere properly. Make sure you wash the armpit carefully and pat it dry to avoid this disturbance. Applying talcum powder before you begin waxing can help absorb this excess moisture. This may also ensure that your waxing will not be as painful.
·         Tight underarm skin- Stretch the arm straight before you start waxing to ensure that the skin in the armpit is tight. This will ensure that you have clear access to all of the hair in this area.
·         Wax lotion- Applying a wax lotion with a piece of clean cotton wool after waxing will help to break down any remaining waxy residue. This will reduce the discomfort of your waxing and the risk that you will develop an irritation or infection after the waxing.

·         Aftercare- Make a point of wearing loose clothing after you have waxed the armpits to avoid irritation. Avoid using deodorant, antiperspirant, talcum powder or self-tanning products that may irritate the skin. This includes soaps that contain perfumes.

Try These Beauty Tips To Look Great All The Time

These are some hints that can guide you in picking out the best products and ways to use them. When you get good advice, you’ll be successful in looking the best you can be. Continue reading to learn just how easily you can add more beauty to your life.
Try a night-time application of Vaseline for your feet. Using this will give your feet the appearance of a professional pedicure. If you do this every night along with your regular beauty routine, you will be less likely to forget. Smooth the Vaseline over your feet, and then slip on a pair of thick socks. The Vaseline will work on your feet as you sleep!
Get rid of any hair that’s in the way 24 hours before you apply your fake tan. Either waxing or shaving will be effective but make sure it’s not closer than one day prior to using the tan products. That will help ensure the tan is nice, even and smooth.
Make sure you get plenty of exercise every day. Staying active on a regular basis will help you look and feel young. You will need to have this included in your beauty regimen. You should allow fifteen or twenty minutes a day for exercise. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.
If you can afford it, consider purchasing duplicates of the beauty products that you use religiously; whether it is a lipstick, foundation, or even hand cream. Keep them handy in your bathroom or at work. This way you will be prepared for absolutely anything, especially those days when you are running too late to apply makeup fully.
You can combine peppermint oil and purified water to make an alcohol free, all natural mouthwash. You will use one drop of oil per ounce of water. Boil the water, then measure your oil into a glass container that is large enough to hold your mixture. The next step is to add the boiling water. Drape a clean piece of fabric over the top of the container and set aside for cooling. Pour this into a container, such as a bottle, with an air-tight lid. Now you have a natural, alcohol free mouthwash!
Petroleum jelly is the best way to keep the skin on your feet soft and supple. There are an endless number of products that claim to soften the skin on your feet, but the most trusted is old fashioned petroleum jelly. Three or more times each week, smooth it onto the areas of your feet that need work. This can help prevent peeling, cracking, chafing and abrasion.
Make sure that you do not use glue that gives you an allergic reaction when applying eyelashes. To ensure you are not allergic, try using eyelash glue on the arm. Place plaster over that and leave it for 24 hours. If no evidence of rash shows up, you should be fine to use the glue.
Slice a potato into thin strips. By putting this on your eyes, you can reduce puffiness. Keep the potato slice on your eye fr roughly ten minutes. As an alternative, you can use cucumbers to help with the redness. You can get rid of the puff in your eye area and you will look brighter and more awake.
Use a loofah to remove imperfections in your skin. It will help buff problem areas, leaving your skin smoother and looking better. If you use this with some body wash that exfoliates as well, you will be happy with what you see. ` Use a loofah a few times a week if you desire to get these benefits.

Learning about beauty is fun and not incredibly difficult. You just need to pay attention to all the details. You will look great!

Beauty Tips To Improve Your Looks

If you want to change how you view yourself and how others view you, it’s important to do your research. With so many products available it can be hard to know which ones are best for you. The following tips can help.
One simple home exfoliant is a mixture of honey, lemon juice, brown sugar and a dash of olive oil. Rubbing this mixture over the body helps remove dead cells due to the sugar, while the additional ingredients work to moisturize and smooth the skin.
Instead of using expensive toners, moisturizers, cleansers, and exfoliants, try more simple methods, such as a soft washcloth, pure castile soap, Aloe Vera gel, and a mild toner. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. For moisture that aloe cannot provide, use some Vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil is used as a toner for medicinal purposes.
Honey is a great addition to your beauty regimen. It benefits your skin in many different ways, even when you consume it. You can add some honey to your skin care. Mix it with sugar for an exfoliating scrub. A little honey in your lotion will help you retain moisture. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.
Test out foundation on your jawline, and try a few different colors at once. Select the shade which blends in the best or is a little lighter than the actual skin tone.
You can develop yellow stains on the bottoms of your nails if you paint them regularly. Eliminating these disgusting stains is easy. Just put some lemon juice from a single lemon and a single cup of regular water in a bowl and use it to soak your nails. A five minute soak (repeated weekly) will be enough to take care of the stains.
Are you ashamed of your big ears? If so, then you might want to grow out your hair so that it can cover them. Avoid pulling your hair into a ponytail or bun because your ears will be even more noticeable.
For great looking eyes, use an eyelash curler. It’s easy to forget how great your eyelashes can look when you curl them. When you curl your lashes, your eyes appear greater in size and vibrancy. It is also possible to buy heated eyelash curlers that are said to provide a long-lasting curl.
If you plan to use false eyelashes, you would never want to find out that you have allergies to the glue. To ensure you are not allergic to the glue, put some on your own arm. Put a band-aid over this and leave it there for 24 hours. If your skin is clear, you are fine!
Make sure your face is dry before applying any cream to reduce combining it with oil. Dampness on your skin cause the expensive product to not soak in, and be totally worthless.
Use matte instead of shimmer blush unless your skin is blemish-free and flawless. Shimmer brushes typically highlight any blemishes on your body, which include scars, bumps, moles, and acne, which is not what you are going to want. However, you can make your skin look flawless with matte blushes, which cover up blemishes better.
Try to dispose of unnecessary items in your makeup bag each week. It is not uncommon to have older, expired makeup products lurking in makeup bags, and these are breeding grounds for bacteria. These products can cause infections or damage to your skin. Check your makeup stash regularly to make sure there are no expired products.
It can be a little exciting to think about improving how you look, but you will feel confident about it with advice on how to do properly. With the article you’ve read fresh in your mind, you’re ready to build your confidence through the right beauty techniques.