Friday, August 9, 2013

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Wrinkle form as a normal part of the aging process. However, there are many home remedies for wrinkles and ways to prevent their premature formation, such as eating foods rich in antioxidants, trace minerals and dietary fats, using sunscreen and moisturizers and keeping a positive life attitude.

Wrinkles are the result of the normal aging process that usually begins at the age of thirty, where there is gradual loss of elasticity and smoothness of the skin. The skin owes its firmness to a natural protein known as collagen and its elasticity to another protein called elastin. Natural skin oils keep the skin supple and soft, while the underlying fat layer adds bulk and contour. During the aging process, these substances decrease in amount, resulting in loss of elasticity, firmness, and suppleness. Wrinkles and sagging lines appear, making one look older and less vibrant.
In addition to these natural processes, many environmental and personal factors affect the youthfulness of the skin. These include exposure to toxic chemicals, certain foods, and personal habits that lead to the formation of free radicals (unstable molecules) that enhance the aging process.
There are several ways, however, to prevent premature aging and home remedies for wrinkles. There are some easy and practical ways to look younger, based on dermatologists' advice.

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Try these home remedies to prevent and reduce wrinkles.


1. Antioxidants - These are chemical compounds found in many foods and dietary supplements, which fight free radicals and prevent skin damage. There are many different types of naturally occurring antioxidants and they often found in combination in foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Here are a few examples:
·         Vitamin A (retinol and beta carotene) - found in asparagus, broccoli, carrots, green peppers, mangoes, nectarines, pumpkin, spinach, and tomatoes
·         Vitamin C - found in berries, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, mangoes, oranges, papaya, sweet potato, and tomatoes
·         Vitamin E - found in hard, mustard, mangoes, nuts, pumpkin, spinach, sunflower seeds and red peppers
Other foods that are also rich in antioxidants include apples, grapes, onions, eggs, and food products that are fortified with vitamins and minerals.
2. Dietary Fats - Healthy dietary fats help improve the skin by nourishing the cells and adding contour, thus preventing sagging and wrinkles. Fatty acids are important components of cell membranes, which help retain skin moisture, and add plumpness and firmness to the skin. Consuming adequate amounts of healthy fats and oils in the diet in the form of omega-3 fatty acids can help rejuvenate the skin. These fats are found abundantly in oily fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines, eggs, milk and yogurt. Excellent vegetarian sources are spinach, kale, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseed oil.
3. Trace Minerals - These chemicals are needed by the body in small amounts, and of the minerals, selenium, and copper stand out as important in maintaining skin health.
·         Selenium - Selenium acts as an antioxidant that fights skin-damaging free radicals. It also restores the elasticity of the skin and can be found in seafood like oysters, salmon, tuna, eggs, liver, brown rice, oats and whole wheat.
·         Copper - Copper plays an important role in the formation of skin proteins collagen and elastin, which maintain skin elasticity and firmness. It is found in foods like legumes, lentils and beans, as well as seafood, nuts and liver.
4. Soy Foods - Studies show that soybeans and soy-based products contain amino acids (proteins) and isoflavones (antioxidants), which help increase collagen production. Some studies also show that soy foods prevent the formation of wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Soy foods include tofu, soymilk, miso or soybean paste, soy sauce, and tempeh (a kind soy cake).


Some beverages like tea contain antioxidants called epicatechins and catechins. Recent studies suggest that green tea and white tea have the potential to reduce wrinkles because of their antioxidant properties. Although these compounds are found in all types of tea leaves, the fermentation process involved in making black tea diminishes their activity. Green tea and white tea are less oxidized during fermentation and therefore they retain more epicatechins and catechins. Furthermore, it has been found that white tea reduces the breakdown of elastin and collagen that leads to wrinkle formation.
Remember to use freshly brewed leaves to enjoy the benefits of tea antioxidants instead of taking instant tea or iced tea. Finally, it also must be noted that research findings refer only to true (Camellia sinensis) tea, and does not apply to herbal infusions such as mint tea or chamomile tea.


Many cosmetic pharmaceutical products, also called cosmeceuticals, can help improve skin appearance and texture. These skin care products often contain antioxidants found in food. They include:
·         Retinol, a vitamin A derivative that helps reduce wrinkles and enhances skin cell regeneration. It is also known as retinaldehyde or retinoic acid on labels.
·         Peptides are amino acid chains that serve as building blocks used in the synthesis of proteins found in the skin.
·         Hydroxy acids are naturally-occurring compounds found in most fruits and in lactic acid found in dairy products. These acids help in the shedding of dead skin cells, which enhances new cell growth.

Sunscreen and Moisturizers

·         Sunscreen - An important step in preventing wrinkle formation is to protect the skin from sun exposure. This can be accomplished by using broad-spectrum sunscreen lotions or creams with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of at least 25-30. This helps shield the skin against damaging ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) from sunlight. Some products also contain other active ingredients like antioxidants (an example is vitamin E) which provide additional protection, increased strength, and enhanced regeneration.
·         Moisturizers - Moisturizing lotions and creams help retain skin moisture, which helps fill in wrinkles and improves skin health. They help prevent dryness, which leads to scaling and loss of youthful appearance. Some products also contain collagen, elastin, and keratin, proteins that diminish wrinkles.


The body secretes a hormone called human growth hormone or HGH during sleep. This important substance is necessary to promote growth of body tissues, including the skin. The lack of sleep not only decreases HGH production and release; it also triggers stress hormone release. This stress hormone, also called cortisol, slows down growth, thus reducing normal skin regeneration. The outer layer of the skin then becomes drier, more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infection, easily damaged by sunlight, and prone to wrinkles.
·         Have enough sleep - The impact of lack of sleep is amplified by aging, when normal HGH production diminishes and wrinkles develop naturally. Therefore, HGH is added to some anti-aging products and food supplements. For most adults, 7-9 hours of quality sleep is needed to maintain healthy skin and body.
·         Sleep on back - It is also important to note that people regularly sleeping in certain positions can lead to the formation of "sleep lines," or wrinkles that are etched into the skin surface. When you sleeping on your side wrinkles can form on the cheeks and chin, and when you sleep face down you may develop a furrow in the brow. The dermatologists therefore advise people to sleep on their backs to reduce wrinkle formation.

Life Attitude

Stress can one to wear lasting facial expressions such as frowns and pouts that can deepen facial lines, leading to wrinkles. Furthermore, constant stress can increase the production and release of cortisol hormone, which leads to dry, weak skin. To reduce stress, you can try to be more physically active, which is good for over-all health as well. It is also advisable to learn stress management techniques that can reduce anxiety and bring about a healthy life attitude.

Things to be Avoided

·         Avoid excessive sun exposure - Many studies show that excessive sun exposure can damage skin and make it more prone to form wrinkles. In a study involving pairs of identical twins who had different levels of sun exposure, it was found that siblings who had less sun exposure had fewer wrinkles than their sun-loving twins.
·         Avoid smoking - Research suggests that cigarette smoking ages skin by causing the release of an enzyme that causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. This leads to thinner skin and increased wrinkle formation.
·         Avoid squinting - Squinting and any repetitive facial movement overworks the muscles, leading to the formation of grooves beneath the surface of the skin. These grooves eventually become wrinkle. It is also advisable to wear sunglasses to protect the skin around the eyes from sunlight and prevent one from squinting.
·         Avoid taking too much coffee - Excessive coffee consumption has no beneficial effect to the body. A study however demonstrated that cocoa is a better alternative, because it contains high levels of flavanols called epicatechins and catechins. These compounds protect skin from sun damage, improve blood circulation in the skin, improve hydration, and make the skin smoother.
·         Avoid over-washing your face - Tap water can strip the skin of natural oils that protect against wrinkles. When you wash the face too often, it can reduce this natural protection. Use soap that contains moisturizers or face cleansers to keep the skin smooth and clean without drying it.

These home remedies for wrinkles are just some ways you can improve your skin appearance and texture to have a youthful glow. However, it is best to seek a dermatologist's advice for more advanced wrinkle formations, which may need additional treatment.

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